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Maureen Reid Returns to BoardWorks

We are delighted to announce that Maureen Reid has returned to her consulting practice at BoardWorks Consulting Inc. Maureen valued her 18-month experience as the Corporate Secretary of The Shaw Group Limited. However, after a diagnosis of breast cancer in May 2014 and related treatments until June 2015 during which period she continued to work as much as possible, Maureen decided that the flexibility of a consulting practice was a better fit for her moving forward. “I have returned to full health and feel great. I was very fortunate that the Shaw opportunity came along when it did. I learned a lot from the great people associated with that company and feel very good about the contributions that I was able to make during my tenure as Corporate Secretary. After a summer at my cottage, I am rested and ready to get back to serving wonderful clients on interesting governance and strategic planning projects.” We are thrilled that Maureen is back and we know the marketplace is also happy that she is back.

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BoardWorks Consulting Inc. > Governance and Strategic Planning

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951 Ivanhoe Street, Halifax, NS B3H 2X2